Atenção todos os terroristas, estupradores, chefes de máfias, assassinos, seqüestradores, curruptos do mundo todo. Se você quiser viver em paz, com muito luxo e mordomia, não ser importunado pela justiça de sua nação, venha morar urgente no Brasil! Pois as Autoridades Brasileiras, alem de lhe dar todo apoio, ainda não deixa que nada de mal lhe aconteça.
Faça como fez o terrorista italiano Cesare Battisti, que cometeu vários crimes na Itália, e veio se esconder no Brasil, e o STF: Supremo Tribunal Federal lhe presenteou com a liberdade, em vez de extraditar o mesmo para cumprir pelos crimes cometidos na Itália.
Ao chegar ao Brasil, procure apoio no seguinte endereço
STF. Supremo Tribunal Federal.
Praça dos Três Poderes - Brasília - DF - CEP 70175-900 Telefone: 55.61.3217.3000.
Attention all terrorists, rapists, heads of gangs, murderers, kidnappers, currupt worldwide. If you want to live in peace with much luxury and stewardship, not to be distracted by the righteousness of their nation, to come live in Brazil Urgent! For the Brazilian Authorities, in addition to giving you all the support, still does not let anything bad happen to you.
Do as did the Italian terrorist Cesare Battisti, who committed various crimes in Italy, and came to hide in Brazil, and the Supreme Court: Supreme Court gave him freedom, rather than extradite him to accomplish the same crimes committed in Italy.
Upon arriving in Brazil, find support at the following address
STF. Supreme Court
Three Powers Square - Brasília - DF - CEP 70175-900 Phone: 55.61.3217.3000
Do as did the Italian terrorist Cesare Battisti, who committed various crimes in Italy, and came to hide in Brazil, and the Supreme Court: Supreme Court gave him freedom, rather than extradite him to accomplish the same crimes committed in Italy.
Upon arriving in Brazil, find support at the following address
STF. Supreme Court
Three Powers Square - Brasília - DF - CEP 70175-900 Phone: 55.61.3217.3000